Home Attualità Teneri animali e pompieri australiani insieme per uno scopo nobile

Teneri animali e pompieri australiani insieme per uno scopo nobile

Arriva il calendario 2020 dei vigili del fuoco australiani e le immagini del calendario 2020 dei vigili del fuoco australiani stanno già facendo il giro del mondo.

Dal 1993 i vigili del fuoco provenienti dalle caserme di tutta l’Australia si riuniscono per l’Australian Firefighters Calendar acquistabile online e i cui ricavati, come ogni anno, verranno devoluti ad associazioni benefiche locali.

Per l’edizione 2020 il calendario dei pompieri australiani si rinnova: fascino e muscoli  insieme ai cuccioli più teneri, tra gattini, cagnolini, coniglietti, pappagalli e pony.

Sono stati realizzate sei diverse versioni del calendario, c’è l’imbarazzo della scelta!



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The time has finally arrived…. our 2020 Australian Firefighters Calendars are online and available to be purchased! 🎉👨🏼‍🚒❤️ 6 different calendars to choose from…. Dog, Cat, Horse, Wildlife, Farm Animal and the Classic Hot Firefighter. Dont forget our new packs of 10 greeting cards too! LINK TO ORDER IN BIO 👨🏼‍🚒❤️ #firefighters #bomberos #pompier #pompiere #feuerwehr #brandweer #fireman #firefit #firemen #firefighter #calendar #2020 #gifts #giftsforher #giftsforhim #rescuedog #rescuedogsofinstagram #rescuecat #rescuecatsofinstagram #therapyhorses #farmanimals #wildlife #hotguys #adoptdontshop #adoption #smile #happy #feelgood

Un post condiviso da Aus Firefighter Calendar (@australianfirefighterscalendar) in data:



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Well that’s it for the 2019 calendars! We have officially sold out of everything online 🥳🥳 Thank you so much to every single person who supported us online and in the shops. If you see the guys around Australian shopping centres then make sure you don’t miss out… they have very limited stock left too ❤️❤️ We are prepping now for our 2020 calendar shoot which starts in just 2 months time. Keep an eye out for our live Facebook crosses from the shoot! 👨🏼‍🚒📸 We are very very excited and can’t wait to release our 2020 calendars in July! 📅😍 If you missed out you can download our 2019 calendar app in the iTunes Store! (*Coming to Android **all of the 5 different 2019 calendars will be available in the App Store very soon!) 📱👨🏼‍🚒🐱🐶🐴👨🏼‍🚒 #firefighter #firefighters #australia #bomberos #pompier #feuerwehr #brandweer #soldout #2019 #allgone #thankyou #charity #donate #rescue #rescuedog #rescuecat

Un post condiviso da Aus Firefighter Calendar (@australianfirefighterscalendar) in data: